Not Candid

Vishrut Bohara

Robotics Engineer

Greetings! I am Vishrut, an enthusiastic in robotics researcher in multi-agent systems and safety-critical controllers. My journey into the fascinating field of robotics has driven me to develop a deep passion for Optimal Control, and Motion Planning. I am eager to collaborate on projects that not only align with these areas of interest but also challenge me to create innovative algorithms to tackle intricate problems.

As a dynamic individual, I thrive in roles that require responsibility and leadership. Throughout my academic journey, I have demonstrated my commitment by organizing various workshops and events, spearheading multiple projects, and representing my college in national tech meets. My dedication to the field also extends to my role as the former Secretary of the Robotics Club during my undergraduate studies.


May 2024

Master's in Robotics Engineering

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

GPA: 4.00/4.00

Thesis: Estimation-based Safety-Critical control of Multi-agent robotic systems

May 2021

Bachelor's of Technology in Electronics Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, B.H.U., Varanasi

GPA: 9.27/10.0

Thesis: 16-bit RISC based Cryptographic Processor


Not Candid

UAV Software Autonomy Intern - Nokia Bell Labs

Jun 2023 - Dec 2023

Developed and implemented a cutting-edge hardware-in-the-loop simulation pipeline for drones in the Nvidia Isaac Sim simulator, enabling comprehensive testing of hardware and software functionality.

Optimized the performance of the VIO algorithm to improve the drone’s localization accuracy.

Not Candid

Software Engineer - Microsoft

Jun 2021 - Jul 2022

I worked for the Credit Services team, which maintains and transforms all the transactional and customer data based on business requirements using Azure Services. My regular work duties involved data analysis and transformation, meeting with business teams, and developing services for my team to automate alerts and resource management. Apart from data transformation tasks, I automated the deployment process and created an E-mail system for daily alerts.

Not Candid

Firmware Intern - Nvidia Graphics

May 2020 - Jun 2020

As a part of this internship, I worked with the design team, which develops system-on-chips (SoCs) for mobile devices and vehicles. I designed a bootloader to copy test executables from RAM to low-latency On-chip Memories. My work enabled the emulation platform to run multiple tests in a single simulation.


Adaptive Estimation-Based Safety-Critical Cruise Control of Vehicular Platoons

Under Review - Arxiv

This paper presents an adaptive estimation-based control design for adaptive cruise control (ACC) that swiftly estimates the states of the preceding vehicle while operating the autonomous vehicle within a safe region. Control Lyapunov Functions (CLFs) and Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) are employed to design a safety-critical controller that ensures safety despite potential estimation errors. The proposed estimator-controller framework is implemented in scenarios with and without vehicle-to-vehicle communication, demonstrating successful performance in maintaining platoon safety and stability. Additionally, physics engine-based simulations reinforce both the practical viability of the proposed control framework in real-world situations and the controller's adeptness at ensuring safety amidst realistic environmental conditions.

Research Experience

Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Collective Transport - NEST Lab

I trained Deep Q-Network and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient models to achieve multi agent collective transport for environment with 2 obstacles, 4 obstacles and gate opening. I also explored different reward functions, communication schemes, and observation space to have better performance.

Jun 2021 - Aug 2021

Robot Control Research Intern - Dr. Leena Vachhani

My research internship at IIT Bombay gave me a better insight into control systems and applications. My work was focused on control law for non-holonomic chained form systems and exploring different reaching laws for better performance. The research started with improvising the existing 3-dimensional control law to guarantee finite time convergence and using it to achieve autonomous car parking. We also explored the performance difference between linear and powered reaching law. After completing that, we worked on creating a generalized algorithm to calculate the convergence parameters for both the reaching law.


Not Candid

Robust Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor UAV - github

This project aimed at designing a controller for the Crazyfly quadrotor to follow a square trajectory of 4 meters in 60 seconds. First, I calculated the quintic trajectory for each state for each edge of the square. Then I designed a continuous time sliding mode controller considering the system's dynamics and tested it in a Gazebo simulation.

Not Candid

Autonomous Driving using Deep Reinforcement Learning - github

I trained a Deep RL agent using PPO and DQN algorithms to achieve autonomous driving. The agent could drive on the road while avoiding obstacles in the neighborhood environment of the AirSim simulator using Lidar and segmented camera input.

Not Candid

Atari Games using Reinforcement Learning - github

I trained a Deep RL agent using different version of DQN (DDQN, Prioritized DQN, Distributed DQN) to play breakout Atari game. The trained agent was able to reach a score of 90 points with normalized rewards.

Not Candid

Multi-agent Motion Planning for Non-Holonomic Mobile Robots - Video

We designed and implemented a heuristic-based motion planning algorithm to generate collision-free, dynamically feasible trajectories for multiple mobile robots. The implementation involved conflict-based search (CBS) for A* pathfinding with feasible motion primitives. The algorithm addressed the non-optimality of the prioritized optimization algorithm.

We used ARGoS (swarm simulator) for simulation testing of the algorithms. The designed algorithm outperformed the state-of-the-art in path length and scalability.

Not Candid

Vision Based Obstacle Avoidance Drone - github

We designed an algorithm derived from the Classical Potential Field Algorithm for a vision-based drone to navigate an unknown tunnel by avoiding obstacles autonomously.

We used SLAM and Octomap to map the observed world. To explore and navigate the tunnel effectively, we maintained a temporary destination calculated based on past values and the drone's movement and used the A* algorithm for path planning.

Not Candid

Position and Velocity Control of SCARA Robot - github

We designed URDF for SCARA(RRP) robot and implemented forward and inverse kinematics services for the end effector. We then used these services to develop a PID controller for position and velocity control.

Not Candid

Autonomous Car Parking

In this project, we implemented autonomous car parking using control law. To achieve this, we updated the existing 3-dimensional control law for non-holonomic systems to avoid singularities and handle the disturbances more effectively. We also designed a reaching law that generates states considering the actuator constraints. We then used this controller and reaching law to drive the car to the given position and orientation in minimum time.

Not Candid

Panorama Stiching - github

Implemented the panorama stiching algorithm which calculates homotopy tranformation between images and then blend them into one single image.

Not Candid

Camera Calibration - github

Implemented automatic efficient and robust camera calibration presented by Zhengyou Zhang in this paper.

Not Candid

Terrace Farming Robot

In Inter IIT Tech Meet 8.0, the problem statement was to design a robot that could autonomously navigate through rugged terrains, climb stairs of 40cm and perform farming tasks like watering, plowing, seeding, etc.

To achieve this, we designed a robot with three independent platforms, which could move vertically, connected through a frame. The middle platform was equipped with farming mechanisms, whereas the other two were responsible for motion. As the problem statement required movement in all directions, we used servos to rotate wheels towards the desired direction.

Not Candid

16-bit Cryptographic Processor

This is the project I did as a part of my BTech Thesis. We designed a 16-bit cryptographic processor based on RISC-V architecture in this project. To achieve this, we added 13 new operations to the processor's ALU, created a new instruction set to utilize new operations, and created a new compiler and Assembly Language to generate binary according to the new Instruction set.

We compared the performance of the designed processor with a general process in executing modern encryption and decryption algorithms. Our processor was able to run the AES algorithm with 80 times fewer operations when compared with the RISC-V processor.

Technical Skills






Isaac Sim







College Experience

Aug 2022 - May 2023

Teaching Assistant - WPI

Feb 2021 - Apr 2021

9th Inter IIT Tech Meet Contingent Leader - IIT BHU

Jan 2021 - Apr 2021

Technex Co-Convenor - IIT BHU

Apr 2019 - Aug 2020

Robotics Club Secretary - IIT BHU


Fellowship Spring 2024, WPI

Glenn Yee Tuition Award

Received fellowship for research at WPI

Annual Institute Award 2021, IIT BHU

IIT Blue

Highest ranked award for contributions to Science and Technology Council 2021

Annual Institute Award 2020, IIT BHU

Special Mention

4th Highest ranked award for contributions to Science and Technology Council 2020